On 15 November, 2024, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary participated in a ceremonial tree planting held in the courtyard of the Veszprém County Police Headquarters. The event was also attended by Brigadier General Balázs Dékány, County Police Superintendent and Ákos Gábor Ugron, the CEO of VERGA Veszprém Forestry Ltd.

In his welcome speech, Dr. Ákos Kozma emphasized that tree planting is an excellent example of caring for the future and future generations. The Commissioner extended a special greeting to the residents of the Veszprém-Gyulafirátót Residential Children’s Home, who prepared a unique performance for the occasion.

The ombudsman’s renovation program for children’s homes was launched in 2021 at the initiative of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary. The renovation of the Veszprém-Gyulafirátót Children’s Home was completed in 2023 with the supportive collaboration of Dr. Ákos Kozma, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary; Lieutenant General Dr. Tamás Tóth, Director General of the Hungarian Prison Service and Péter Zambó, State Secretary for Forests and Land Affairs of the Ministry of Agriculture. To date, the program has contributed to the renovation of nearly a dozen children’s homes.