The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary Participated in the V4 Ombudsman Summit - AJBH-EN
The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary Participated in the V4 Ombudsman Summit
Between 16-18 October 2024, the town of Smolenice, Slovakia, hosted the Meeting of the Ombudspersons of the Visegrád Four Group, organized by the Public Defender of Rights in of Slovakia.
The panel discussions at the conference focused on social rights, housing, the relationship between landowners and public service providers, the experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic, and current challenges related to the implementation of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT).
During the panel discussions, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary briefed his V4 colleagues on the recent expansion of his mandate. He presented investigative findings related to the topics discussed, the conclusions of relevant reports, and the recommendations outlined in them.
Since 2004, the Hungarian, Slovak, Czech, and Polish ombudsmen have annually informed their V4 partners about the challenges encountered, achievements reached, and practices applied to address current human rights issues in their work over the past period.