null Responsibilities of the Equal Treatment Authority Are Taken Over by the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights

According to the provisions set out in Act CXXVII of 2020 adopted by the National Assembly, as of 1 January 2021, the responsibilities of the Equal Treatment Authority are taken over by the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights. In cases concerning equal treatment and the promotion of equal opportunities, the Ombudsman will proceed within the framework of administrative authority procedures, in accordance with the relevant procedural rules. Clients can turn to the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights in these matters in the usual ways.

Pursuant to the provisions set forth in Act CXXVII of 2020 on the amendment of certain acts ensuring the more efficient enforcement of the requirement of equal treatment that entered into force on 1 January 2021, the responsibilities of the Equal Treatment Authority are taken over by the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights.

Accordingly, as of 1 January 2021, in cases specified by Act CXXV of 2003 on equal treatment and the promotion of equal opportunities, the Ombudsman will proceed within the framework of administrative authority procedures, in line with the relevant procedural rules.

Clients can turn to the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights in these matters in the usual ways.

Due to the state of danger, the personal reception of clients has been temporarily suspended. Nevertheless, applications requesting the launching of an inquiry can be submitted to the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights in writing (by post or electronically).

By postal service, clients can send their paper-based and signed applications for procedure to the following address: Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, Directorate-General for Equal Treatment, 1387 Budapest, PO Box 40.

Applications can be submitted electronically through e-Paper, as defined by Act CCXXII of 2015 on the general rules of electronic administration and trust services (hereinafter: the “EAS Act”) (Client Gate registration is required for the use of electronic services). Those clients who are obliged to maintain electronic communication under the EAS Act shall submit their applications or file other petitions solely in the manner defined by the EAS Act (the Office’s KRID number is 420418398).

In addition to the above, clients can contact the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights by calling phone number +36-1-795-2975 or toll-free green number +36-80-203-939 and fax number +36-1-795-0760, as well as at e-mail address

Detailed information on the administrative authority procedures of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights – under Act CXXV of 2003 – can be found at the following link: