Civil Consultative Body (CCB) Attached to the OPCAT National Preventive Mechanism Holds Online Meeting - AJBH-EN
null Civil Consultative Body (CCB) Attached to the OPCAT National Preventive Mechanism Holds Online Meeting
Ombudsman Dr Ákos Kozma convened the Civil Consultative Body supporting the performance of the tasks of the OPCAT National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) in an online form, with regard to the coronavirus pandemic, which held its sessions on 10 and 11 December 2020.
In his opening speech, Dr Ákos Kozma emphasised that, although this year, due to the pandemic and its consequences, had posed unprecedented challenges to both the country and the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, the 2019 objectives, i.e. the visitation of as many places of detention by the OPCAT National Preventive Mechanism as possible, and the speeding-up of the preparation of reports, could still be met. During 2020, special, shorter, COVID-specific visits were paid, in the course of which the Ombudsman visited 26 sites. The members of the visiting group always observed the strict epidemic-related requirements and wore appropriate protective equipment.
After the Ombudsman’s report, the staff members of the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights gave an account of the activities performed by the OPCAT NPM in the past year. In the course of the constructive meeting, the members of the Civil Consultative Body made proposals for visiting further places of detention, as well as the topics to be examined by the NPM.
A memorandum on the CCB meeting is being prepared, which will be displayed on the homepage of the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights.