The minority ombudsman's visit at the Babeș-Bolyai University - NJBH-EN
null The minority ombudsman's visit at the Babeș-Bolyai University
International Law & Business Talks - XI. Professional Days organised by the Mikó Imre College for Advanced Studies
The minority ombudsman and the head of her secretariate visited the International Law & Business Talks - XI. Professional Days organised by the Mikó Imre College for Advanced Studies at the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. The topic of their presentation was the social coexistence of minority communities in the 21st century Europe. Focusing on aspects of security policy, social psychology and law, they touched upon issues such as the civil war in Syria, the Bogardus scale and the effect of stereotypes. Another main focus of the presentation was the role of the Council of Europe in safeguarding minority rights.