General Comment 1/2021 on the specific and systemic shortcomings of the educational and child protection systems - NJBH-EN
null General Comment 1/2021 on the specific and systemic shortcomings of the educational and child protection systems
The Minority Ombudsman issued her general comment on the basis of an investigation of a specific complaint, aiming to draw attention to the developmental difficulties, educational and integration problems of a Roma pupil with BMD difficulties, the serious conflicts between parents and teachers, and to highlight systemic problems.
The investigation concluded that the primary schools concerned, despite their formal due process, did not do everything possible to ensure the proper development of the pupil with integration, learning and behaviour difficulties, and their failure to do so violated the principle of best interests of the child.
The proposals for amendments to the relevant law and EMMI regulations sent by the Minority Ombudsman to the Secretary of State for Public Education for consideration were adopted.
The proposed amendments could facilitate and improve the flow of information on the progress of children, pupils with special educational needs and those with difficulties in integration, learning and behaviour.
A summary of the general comment is available here and the full text (in Hungarian) is here.