Visit to the World-class Mobile Disease Control Hospital in Kiskunhalas - AJBH-EN
null Visit to the World-class Mobile Disease Control Hospital in Kiskunhalas
On 16 April 2020, Ombudsman Dr. Ákos Kozma paid a visit to the Kiskunhalas Mobile Disease Control Hospital. The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights surveyed the mobile hospital – which is the most modern hospital of this type in Europe at the moment – in the company of Major General, Task Force Commander and Director General of the Hungarian Prison Service Dr. Tamás Tóth, Colonel and Commander of the Kiskunhalas National Prison Dr. Eszter Tímea Tanács, and Chief Physician and Director of the Kiskunhalas Semmelweis Hospital Dr. Szabolcs Szepesvári.
The Kiskunhalas Mobile Disease Control Hospital was built up in record time, in just two and a half weeks, within the framework of the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, and it has the capacity to accommodate 150 patients.